Replace Root Disk

To replace the main disk of Proxmox with a larger or faster one we can dump the existant disk by using dd and later using some lvm tools to apply the new free space.

disk dump
# dump the main disk
> dd if=/dev/<source> \
     of=/dev/<target> \
     bs=64k \
     conv=noerror,sync \

Then let’s boot the new disk and adjust disk sizes

apply new size
# fdisk cmd to apply new disk size (ensure you have backups)
> echo -e "d\n3\nn\np\n3\n\n\nt\n3\n8e\nw" | /usr/sbin/fdisk /dev/nvme0n1

# enlarge lvm volume group
> pvresize /dev/nvme0n1p3

# extend logical volume for root
> lvextend -L +100G /dev/pve/root

# extend logical volume for data
> lvextend -L +500G /dev/pve/data

# resize root partition
> resize2fs /dev/pve/root

From now we profit from more and may faster main storage